A volunteer is someone who gives their time, talent, energy and expertise freely without charge in a productive way to enhance and enrich our school community. They may be relatives of students or people who have responded to a request or members of the community. They work for the best outcomes for the children of Coopers Plains State School.
To volunteer at the school:
- for general classroom related activities, please contact the school office or your child’s teacher
- for Ready Reading Volunteers* contact the Deputy Principal Mrs Dinh to arrange the required training
- for non classroom related activities, please contact the P&C.
A Blue Card is needed by all volunteers who are not parents of students at our school.
*Ready Reading volunteers work with individual children for example on a one-on-one basis, particularly in the early years, to listen to students read aloud and provide reading support and encouragement. Under the direction of the classroom teacher, they talk to students about the text and its meaning. Volunteers are required to undertake some training to perform this role.